There are so many exquisite, unique, and fun Latin wedding ceremony traditions couples gravitate toward as they plan their big event. As a result, it can also be hard to navigate what social elements speak with each individual couple and how to get those elements collectively in an tidy and natural way.
To help together with the process, we chatted to Chicago-based DJ Continue who explains many of the most popular pre-marriage and reception Latina wedding traditions. He reduces everything from la arras as well as the lazo wedding ceremony to el muertito and more.
In the afinidad ceremony, loved ones (el padrino brazilian women and la madrina) or pals come forward to drape a white wire around the bride’s neck during her ceremony as a symbol with their bond with all the new couple. This as well implies the transition right from single existence to hitched.
Another popular pre-marriage ceremony is certainly la se?al matrimoniales, which originated in France. Through the ceremony, the groom shows his new new bride with 13 gold coins, which usually symbolize his promise to provide on her and their foreseeable future family. The arras may be held in a simple pouch or jewelry package.
Throughout the reception, it’s common for guests to pin funds (using security pins) upon the newlyweds during la hora loca. The cash collected will help the couple during their vacation or on their fresh home, and it is a lot of fun to watch! Many different music sorte can be enjoyed during this portion of the celebration, which includes a key component waltz, merengue, and cumbia.